After a close referendum, the UK voted yesterday in favor of leaving the EU (52% v. 48%). As people start to worry what will happen to their cybersecurity, experts are stating that Britain’s cybersecurity should not have such a mysterious future and it’s predicted that Great Britain will potentially adopt legislation similar to the GDPR (allowing the UK to continue trade with the EU without as many road blocks).
June 22, 2016WhatsApp announced recently that they are now implementing end-to-end encryption for every form of communication on their service. This comes at a particularly important time, as Apple’s court battle with the FBI recently unfolded in the public eye.
April 7, 2016This is the third time Brazil blocked WhatsApp recently — both in December 2015 and March 2016. The previous blocks were also implemented as a result of the company’s refusal to comply with a criminal investigations. Brazil has also been in the news recently for their proposed cybercrime law, which imposes new censorship and threatens privacy and Internet freedom.
May 1, 2016As described by the Guardian, “WhatsApp has the ability to force the generation of new encryption keys for offline users, unbeknown to the sender and recipient of the messages, and to make the sender re-encrypt messages with new keys and send them again for any messages that have not been marked as delivered.
January 15, 2017There’s a lot going on with the Internet these days: FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler has outlined his plan, the FCC will vote next week, the major ISPs have promised to fight the ruling in the courts, and the Republicans are trying to get their act together to limit the FCC’s power.
February 17, 2015VyprVPN is proud to be accredited with being a highly-secure VPN provider and certified by the VPN Trust Initiative (VTI). Users can continue to have complete trust in VyprVPN knowing that we are fully committed to providing a unique online experience that logs zero activity, data flows, and silences restrictions.
August 23, 2023