Data Foundry and Golden Frog, Co-CEO Ron Yokubaitis today submitted a legal brief to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in support of keeping rules that provide consumer protection from unchecked Internet Service Provider (ISP) abuses.
July 16, 2017Pai’s latest focus is on rolling back existing net neutrality regulations – implemented by the FCC in 2015 under the Open Internet Order – and calling for “free and open Internet” principles in their place.
May 15, 2017In a disturbing trend that would further eliminate consumer protections when browsing online, as well as remove any accountability to broadband providers, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai today announced his plans to eliminate the Open Internet Order of 2015.
April 25, 2017The filing comes from VPN company Golden Frog and discusses “two recent examples that show that users are not receiving the open, neutral, and uninterrupted service to which the Commission says they are entitled.”
October 12, 2014Golden Frog also points out that no current or previously existing rule prevents wireless broadband companies from interfering with the traffic they carry in this way, because mobile companies have not been subject to the same open internet regulations as wired broadband carriers.
October 15, 2014The FCC comment period on net neutrality closes today, August 30, 2017. Golden Frog, in conjunction with our sister companies Data Foundry and GigaNews, filed an official reply to the FCC with our comments on the importance of preserving an open Internet, which involves protecting net neutrality.
August 29, 2017The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) chief Ajit Pai is intent on repealing rules regulating the large Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and plans to let them do whatever they want to further increase their bottom line. This fight is not about Net Neutrality, but rather a battle of big Internet access providers versus consumers.
December 12, 2017As you may have heard by now, comedian John Oliver recently addressed net neutrality on his show, rallying against the FCC and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to dismantle existing net neutrality regulations.
May 8, 2017Well, it’s official. As of December 14, 2017, previously-existing net neutrality guidelines implemented under Title ll, were repealed by the FCC. This deregulation allows Internet service and broadband providers to manipulate and discriminate against traffic, meaning they can choose to speed up or slow desired connections and control/restrict what users see online. The FCC’s decision comes in direct opposition to what the majority of consumers and businesses want, and the implications for all Internet users are dire.
December 14, 2017