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Telegram Users Are Turning to VyprVPN
TODO ?>Russia threw down a block of millions of IP addresses in their assault on the popular app Telegram this week, and VyprVPN is at hand helping users prevail over those restrictions!
Around 200 million people worldwide use Telegram with at least 9.5 million of those users coming from Russia. Telegram made an effort to circumvent the block, attempting to move its servers over to Amazon and Google prior to the deadline. The move resulted in Russian officials blocking upwards of seventeen million addresses since Tuesday.
We at Golden Frog are already welcoming an influx of Russian users since this incident was announced. Here are our statistics:
- Golden Frog Website Traffic is up 36.19%
- VyprVPN mobile downloads increased 198%
- New accounts created increased by over 190%
Telegram is still fighting through the mire of Russian courts in its appeals process, but utilizing a stable, secure VPN service like VyprVPN is allowing affected users to reclaim their online freedom and bypass both intended and collateral damage alike.