To Secure All Your Devices At Home, Start With Your Router
TODO ?>How many devices in your home are connected to the Internet? It’s probably more than you think.
From the TV streaming through your gaming consoles to your digital security system and thermostat, more and more devices around the house are connecting to the Internet. With all these access points, securing your home Internet connection is more important than ever.
The VyprVPN Router app lets you encrypt your Internet connection and protect ALL the devices on your home network at once. Once you equip your router with VyprVPNsimply log in with your Golden Frog username and password, and your entire home network will be secure regardless of platform, operating system or device type.
The Router app is just as easy-to-use as the other VyprVPN apps, and you can even adjust the settings on a per-device basis.
Think of it this way: You wouldn’t want strangers peeking in through your windows. So why should your Internet connection be any different?
Learn more about protecting your home with VyprVPN Router app.
VyprVPN Router app is available for paying VyprVPN users only.